Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Young's: "Who Will Pay For Bush's Mistakes?"

In the Austin American Statesman, on October 16th, 2007, there was an opinion column written by Mr. John Young of the Waco Tribune-Herald. In this article Mr. Young is pointing again to the CHIP program. I found it only appropriate to use this article to follow my last one due to the fact that they are on the same topic.
Within the article John Young clearly states his opinion on Bush's veto of the bill and almost even on Bush's character as a whole. I found this opinion article to be very interesting even if for only Young's strong opinion. Young goes as far to say that Bush was "acting" during his term as governor in Texas, is a a liar and even almost implies that Bush is a man who never truly thinks ahead to solutions problems that are out there. The only thing that I did notice in this article was Young's refusal to argue with Bush on his declaration that the "tobacco tax is oppressive for working individuals" Young states that he will not argue with bush on this one because, "we should all pay for what our government does, not just smokers". Personally this stood out to me I agree with everything else he is saying but I truly feel that why should all Americans pay for other's habits? I would not ask everyone to help pitch in for my dog food when not everyone even likes dogs. I am not really sure this could all be my personal opinion but I did notice how Young does not agree with Bush on a lot of things however at the end there is a slight bit of relief for our President and then Young finishes it with another attack. The best part of the whole article is the way that Young ends it with his final point that Bush doesn't plan to solve any of our financial problems, he doesn't even have a solution to the problem in Iraq! Although Young obviously has a problem with Bush's veto on expanding CHIP he also brings to light problems with Bush in other areas, and even brings to light the point that the problems we are having with Bush did not just start they were there before just a little hidden. Bush is aparently good at two things acting and messing things up.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mallaby's: "Bush's Unhealthy Veto"

As the popularity of President Bush’s threat to veto (S.C.H.I.P) State Children’s Health Insurance has grown many different opinions have surfaced on the matter. Within the opinion article I read by Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post, it was very clear what his opinion on the whole thing was, although I would have loved to find an opinion article in which my opinion was not the same as the authors I was unable to.
Mr. Mallaby wrote this article in a great fashion, he showed us the different sides of the story but clearly gave me his strong opinion. I loved how he pointed out the facts on the Presidents actions and gives us a slight peek at what the President’s underlining motive could possibly be. At the beginning of Mallaby’s article he points out that President Bush has not wanted to go against Congress on anything really, but he is passionate about this issue? Before reading this article I strongly was disgusted with the President’s stance on the issue and his threats against S.C.H.I.P, however after reading Mr. Mallaby’s article I was almost infuriated. All of this said because I think that everything Mallaby says and points out is head on.
Our president tries to (and does) waste our country’s money everyday on issues and policies that the nations against, assisting citizens to hate him more, but when an issue that over 1/3 the population agrees with comes up he wants to veto it? However, the climax of Mallaby’s article for me was at the end when he points out that could the President’s sudden change in opinion and action be brought on not because of his profound “philosophical” stance, but nothing more than that of a private initiative to look better. This whole issue is a complete mess all the way around and Wallaby points that out.

Here is a link to the article: